UPN "Veteran" Jakarta Conference Systems, First International Conference on Health Development

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Effects of Moringa oleifera Leaf Extract and Infusion on Liver Catalase Enzyme Level in Obese Mice Induced by 2-Nitropropane
Muhammad Ariq Fiqih, Tiwuk Susantiningsih

Last modified: 2019-10-09


Hepatocellular cancer (HCC) is caused by free radicals resulting in cell damage. Free radicals are formed due to lipid peroxidation. Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD) is one of the risk factors for HCC caused by obesity. 2-Nitropropane found in cigarette smoke can increase free radicals. Free radicals can be overcome with endogenous antioxidant compounds, one of which is the catalase enzyme. Exogenous antioxidants can also be obtained fromĀ Moringa oleifera leaves which contain flavonoids. This study used obese mice which given Moringa oleifera leaf extract (4 mg/kg) and leaf infusion (40 mg/kg) for 20 days, then induced with 2-Nitropropane (2-NP) (0.02 mL/kg). The levels of liver catalase enzymes are measured based on hydrogen peroxide measurement principle which broken down by the catalase enzyme. The results showed a decrease in levels of the liver catalase enzyme after 2-NP was induced. The levels of liver catalase enzyme which were given extracts and infusion of Moringa leaf shows differences from the control group. Conclusion of this study, there is an effect on liver catalase enzyme level in obese mice that induced by 2-NP after given extract and infusion of Moringa leaf. Moringa leaf extract and infusion on levels of the liver enzyme catalase in obese mice induced by 2-NP.


obesity; moringa oleifera leaves; catalase; 2-nitropropane.