UPN "Veteran" Jakarta Conference Systems, First International Conference on Health Development

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The Discrepancy of INA – CBG’s Tariff with Hospital’s Real Tariff at Ischemic Stroke Cases of National Health Insurance Patients in Inpatient of National Brain Center Hospital
Siti Munawaroh, Wahyu Sulistiadi, Rachmad Rachmad

Last modified: 2019-10-14


Hospital as a referral system and implementation of the National Health Insurance. The National Health Insurance of Indonesia has implemented The Indonesian Case Based Groups System for healthcare payment. This payment system pays all healthcare service’s claims based on package system which has the potential that contributed deficits or surpluses of hospitals. This study purposed at the analyzing discrepancy between INA-CBG’s Tariff and Hospital’s Real Tariff at Ischemic Stroke Cases of NHI’s Patients in Inpatient.

This research used a quantitative approach with a cross-sectional retrospective design in July – December 2018 period. Total samples are 110 samples selected by purposive sampling. The data were analyzed by correlation and linear regression.

The difference in total income based on INA - CBG's Tariff and Hospital’s Real Tariff was – 116.374.330 rupiahs. There were a significant relationship between Length of Stay and Severity Level determinant with Tariff. The difference in Tariff based on Length of Stay was -125.844.628 rupiahs lower than based on Severity Level was -21.786.653 rupiahs.

The tariff of INA - CBG's is still insufficient to finance the treatment of ischemic stroke. This study supports the necessary of evaluation of the tariff. On the other hand, hospitals must be able to enhance the implementation of medical audits, utilization reviews, clinical pathways, and clinical practice guidelines periodically and continuously.

Keywords: Ischemic Stroke; INA – CBG’s Tariff; Real Tariff.


Ischemic Stroke; INA – CBG’s Tariff; Real Tariff.