UPN "Veteran" Jakarta Conference Systems, First International Conference on Health Development

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Last modified: 2019-11-16


Background : Based on the history of disasters, Lebak Regency, Banten Province is one of the regions in Indonesia where massive earthquakes have occurred during the past year and 80 aftershocks have occurred with a lower intensity. The Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) continues to collect data in the Lebak Regency (BNPB, 2018). In the framework of accelerating rehabilitation and reconstruction in earthquake disaster preparedness in Lebak, Banten Province for the recovery of social and economic life of people in districts / cities and regions affected by disasters, through Presidential Instruction Number 5 of 2018 concerning the Acceleration of Rehabilitation and Reconstruction.

Materials and methods : The method used in this research is quantitative and qualitative mixed method. This research was conducted in Lebak, Banten Province in the working area of Puskesmas Cikulur.

Results : The scope of the implementation of the Program KPLDH is to emphasize on promotive and preventive efforts to keep doing curative and rehabilitative efforts. Overall result obtained is Public Satisfaction Index related to Primary Healh Care of Cikulur 3.67 is satisfied. In earthquake preparedness response. Rehabilitation activities, according to this Inpres, are carried out through: 1. Improvement of the disaster environment; 2. Repairing public infrastructure and facilities; 3. Providing assistance for community home improvement; 4. Psychological social recovery; 5. Health services; 6. Social, economic and cultural recovery; 7. Restoration of security and order; 8. Restoration of government functions; and 9. Restoration of public service functions. Based on the above problems Lebak Regency must have a model of efforts to improve basic health services in the context of accelerating rehabilitation and reconstruction in disaster response preparedness. In earthquake preparedness response. The problems above Lebak Regency must have a model of efforts to improve basic health services in the context of accelerating rehabilitation and reconstruction in disaster response preparedness.

Conclusions : Through the policy of Improve Basic Health Services is expected the Health Office can collect accurate data, can map health problems, get priority problems and priority problem solving and improvement of various health problems in the Province of Banten especially for Lebak.

Acknowledgements : Dinas Kesehatan Provinsi Banten, Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Lebak, BPBD Provinsi Banten, Puskesmas Cikulur.


Keywords : Improvement Basic Health Service, Rehabilitation, Rekonstruction, Banten