UPN "Veteran" Jakarta Conference Systems, Konferensi Riset Nasional Ekonomi, Manajemen, dan Akuntansi I

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Determinasi Penyaluran Kredit Pada Perbankan Konvensional Di Indonesia
Tita Marliani, Siti Hidayati, Yoko Tristiarto

Last modified: 2020-01-30


This reseacrh is a quamtitative reseacrh that aims to explain the impact of liquidity , Capital Adequacy and credit risk to credit bank distribution. The population  used in this research is banking subsector companies listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange .42 of  them are selected as the sample of this reseacrh through the probability sampling method. This reseacrh shows that liquidity (LDR), has a positive impact on credit bank distribution , while Capital Adequaecy ( CAR) and Credit Risk (NPL) have no impact on bank credit distribution.


Credit Distribution, Liquidity, Capidal Adequaecy , Credit Risk

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