Last modified: 2019-10-09
Family environment has a long-term effect on one's life since he was infancy to adulthood, in the early of childhood, the family environment has a profound effect on his prosperity later. This research is an explanatory research which was conducted in one time (cross sectional). The population in this study was preschool children who attended formal preschool education (kindergarten) and non-formal education (playgroup). They are kindergarten and playgroup of Mutiara 17 agustus which is located in Bekasi City. The number of sample are 59 students. The data collected in this study are primary data consisting of the characteristics of the children, family environment and children's cognitive development which apply the DENVER II instrument. The results of difference tests between extended family and nuclear family did not show any differences (p = 0.245) in the development of cognitive function. While the results of different tests show the difference between nanny/grandmother, from his mother (p = 0.030) there is a relationship between who the caregiver figure is with the child's cognitive development function. Test results of different tests between the frequency of playing with father more than once a week with those who have frequency of playing with fathers 1-7 times a week also show a difference (p = 0.034). The combination of teaching between what mothers do and the frequency of communication with fathers will result an increase in cognitive capacity to the children.
Keywords: family environment; cognitive development; early childhood