UPN "Veteran" Jakarta Conference Systems, First International Conference on Health Development

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Knowledge Use Of Contraceptive Methods And Fertility In Men Age 15 - 54 Years (Analysis of the IDHS 2017)
Nofia Caecilia Lae

Last modified: 2019-10-11


The use of contraceptives is one of the program indicators of various world governments to reduce birth rates in their respective countries. In order to reach the target SDGs for the coming year 2030 with publish a programs, one of the programs initiated by the Indonesian government is KB (Family Planning). Pregnancy regulation in the family planning program is through contraception. So far, the impact of the Family Planning Program has been good, with Indonesia's fertility rate in the World Population Data Sheet dropping to 2.3. However, there are still many problems in to the success of this program, especially in all regions of Indonesia. The goal of this study was to use the results of the IDHS 2017 to determine whether the level of knowledge, especially among men with fertility, has been influenced by children who have ever been born / were in possession. This study uses secondary data from the results of the IDHS 2017 with a total sample of 9567 people. This is a sample from IDHS 2017 that meets the criteria set by the researcher. The multivariate analysis used is the multiple logistic regression analysis, the variable to be examined for the dependent variable is fertility, and the independent variable is knowledge about the use of the contraceptive method. The results of the multivariate analysis showed that the variable that was significantly related was the knowledge variable on contraception with an OR value of 4.27 after being controlled for age, education, and wealth index variables.

Keywords: Knowledge; Contraception; KB; IDHS.


Knowledge; Contraception; KB; IDHS