UPN "Veteran" Jakarta Conference Systems, First International Conference on Health Development

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The Effect Of Role Play To Knowledge Of Spiritual Aspect’s Documentation In A West Indonesian Private Hospital
Magda Fiske Rumambi, Ratih Annatri, Eri Krisnawati, Eva Berthy Talluntondok

Last modified: 2019-10-15


Background: In nursing assesement, nurses are required to look patients holistically. The spiritual aspect becomes an unavoidable part of conducting an initial assessment of inpatients. Correct, neat and accurate notes is the advantage of caring and responsible nurses, but poor notes can raise doubts about the quality of nurse’s works. The completeness of spiritual aspect assessment regulations in hospitals in western Indonesia in 2017 5% from 358 documents and 2018 2.53% from 1099 documents (benchmark ≥85%). Purpose: To determine the effect of role play to knowledge of spiritual aspect’s documentation in a west Indonesian private hospital. Methods: The design of study was a Quantitative with quasi-experimental design, type one-group pre test - post test. The study population was 20 inpatient nurses. The sampling technique was purposive sampling. The instruments of the study was questionnaire. Hypothesis testing used Paired samples t test. Results: The results  in this research ρ value (0,001) < α (0.05), so that Ho is rejected. Conclusion: There is an effect of role play to knowledge of spiritual aspect’s documentation.


Knowledge; Documentation; Spiritual Aspect