UPN "Veteran" Jakarta Conference Systems, First International Conference on Health Development

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Description of Self Efficacy in Nursing Students in One West University in Indonesia
Shinta Yuliana Hasibuan

Last modified: 2019-10-15


Self-efficacy is a belief held by an individual regarding the ability or competence to perform a task, achieve goals, and overcome obstacles (Ghufron and Rinaswita, 2010). Students need to have high self-efficacy to help themselves in increasing confidence in solving problems well and have a high fighting spirit. The aim of this research is to describe self-efficacy in nursing students at a university in the western part of Indonesia. The Method of this research is a quantitative descriptive study, using convenience sampling as a sampling technique that conducted for 223 nursing students. The measuring instrument used is the General Self Efficacy Scale (GSES) questionnaire. The results of this study stated that as many as (89.69%) of nursing students had high levels of self-efficacy, and (10.31%) of nursing students had low levels of self-efficacy with an average value of self-efficacy of (27.76). The conclusion of the research has been done that most nursing students have a high level of self-efficacy. For further researchers to continue this research with the same or different methods and examine the causes of students having low self-efficacy and interventions that can increase self-efficacy in students.


Keywords: nursing students, self-efficacy.