Last modified: 2019-10-29
Employee career development systems are crucial for each individual employee, because many things affect employee career development including: Job Performance, Exposure, Networking, Guidance and Sponsors, Opportunities for Growth, Employee and organizational relations, Politicking in Organizations, Award Systems , Organizational culture. The purpose of this research is to find a description of nurses' career development, the relationship of career development factors with nurses' career development and the dominant factors that influence the development of nurses' career levels in the inpatient room at Pasar Minggu,Regional Public Hospital South Jakarta. This study uses a cross sectional design. The study was conducted from April-June 2019, with a sample of 116 nurses, with a purposive sampling technique. Data analysis uses the Spearman rho Correlation Test, the Mann Whitney Test and multiple linear regression. The results showed the most dominant factor in the career development of the inpatient ward Pasar Minggu,Regional Public Hospital was Politicking in Organizations with a beta value of 0.453 and a p value of 0.000. The results of this study have a significant influence on the factors of career development with the process of developing nurses' career levels in the inpatient room Regional Public Hospital Pasar Minggu (p value 0,000 and 95% CI). Suggestions for Pasar Minggu Regional Public Hospital in order to create flexible policies to facilitate nurses to develop career paths.