UPN "Veteran" Jakarta Conference Systems, First International Conference on Health Development

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Design of Mother and Child Health System Based on Mobile Technology in The Ministry of Health
Tries Yuliastuti

Last modified: 2019-11-13


Design of Mother and Child Health System Based on Mobile Technology in The Ministry of Health


Tries YULIASTUTIa, Martya Rahmaniati MAKFULb

aDirectorate General of Public Health,South Jakarta,Indonesia

2Biostatistics and Population Sciences Department,Faculty of Public Health, University of Indonesia, Depok,West Java, Indonesia

Correspondence : tries.yuliastuti@ui.ac.id



At present, the Maternal and Child Mortality Rate is still high, which is a major problem in the world of health. Efforts to Improve Maternal and Child Health are carried out with various efforts that are in line with the Efforts to Reduce Maternal and Infant Mortality. According to the 2010 Population Census data the Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR) was 346 per 100,000 live births (SP 2010) which declined to 305 / 100,000 KH (SUPAS 2015). For the Neonatal Mortality Rate (AKN), from the IDHS data, it can be seen that the neonatal deaths in 2012 were 19 / 1,000KH and the AKN declined again in 2017 to 15 / 1,000 KH. To reduce the mortality rate, a good midwife, maternity in a health care facility is needed. One of its efforts, which is currently being carried out by the Indonesian Ministry of Health, is community empowerment where performance programs need to be improved. To support the process of implementing community empowerment, it is necessary to utilize the technology of mobile devices and the internet to maximize information on maternal and child health as a source of up to date information, interactive communication media as well as easy access from anywhere and anytime with mobile technology. The design method for this system is prototyping with the results of this study in the form of a friendly mobile and maternal health system design based on mobile technology. It was concluded that the prototyping method can be applied to analyze mobile usage related to maternal and child health information. The results of the analysis can be used as a consideration in determining the right strategy in efforts to reduce maternal and child mortality.

Keywords: System Design; Health Of Both Mother And Child; Mobile; Prototyping


system design; health of both mother and child; mobile; prototyping