Conference Policies

Archive Access Policy

The presentations that make up the current and archived conferences on this site have been made open access and are freely available for viewing, for the benefit of authors and interested readers.



Participants targeted for this international conference who has close relevance in health science (nutrition, public health, nursing, physiotherapy), childhood education and parenting such as;

  1. Rectors/Heads/Directors/Presidents of University/Polytechnic/Academy/Higher Education
  2. Dean/Head of Study Program
  3. Lecturers and Researchers
  4. Undergraduate and Graduate Students
  5. Practitioners and others



As has been stated above, this event takes the actual theme:


  • "Reaping the benefits of a Demographic Dividend by Achieving Quality Human Resources through Health Investment”
  1. "Massive Open Online Course for Health Education"
  2. "Nutrition Investment in the Early Life"
  3. "Roles of Parenting Skills in Early Childhood Learning Experience and Development"