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The highly contagious Covid-19affected the global economy. As an economic crisis is hitting all regions across the world, some countries are recorded experiencing recession like the United States, Germany, France, Italy, South Korea, Japan, Hong Kong, Singapore and the Philippines. Likewise, the economy of Indonesia is predicted to encounter a serious economic recession due to the outbreak. Along withIndonesia, Malaysia and Singaporehave taken a serious step by providing a massive injection of funds for their economic stabilization. The coronavirus outbreakdramatically impacted the economic sector, since the number of unemployment rise, inflation, decrease in import, contraction in PMI manufacturing, and a significant drop on the tourism industry cause a decrease in occupancy. Those situations have generated a high trend of crime due to economic pressure. Not onlythe economic situation, the violations of large-scale social restrictions (PSBB) also becomea major concern ofthe Indonesian government, because it can increase the number of Covid-19 pandemic transmission. The death toll due to Covid-19 was confirmed to be 2,5 million lives by January 2021, the top five countries worst-affected by the Covid-19 are the United States, India, Brazil, Russia, and the United Kingdom ( The UK has imposed sanctions for lockdown violators, where violators will be arrested and subject to a £ 60 fine initially and another £ 120 fine for a second offense. On the other hand, according to WHO, India can be used as a determinant of the future trajectory of the Covid-19 virus due to its population crowded, but the cleanliness of quarantine places and other health servicesis still questionable.Law enforcement during this pandemic is a topic that deserves to be discussed, because the number of violations and crimes during the pandemic has increased in almost all countries, since violations and crimes occurred as a result of the lockdown or PSBB policies