Conference Policies

Archive Access Policy

The presentations that make up the current and archived conferences on this site have been made open access and are freely available for viewing, for the benefit of authors and interested readers.



Business Performance Management
Communications Management
Consumer Behavior
IT Governance
E-Business and E-Commerce
Green Information Technology
Information and Communication Technology
Information Systems
Information Technology Management
Business Intelligence
Management Information Systems
Big Data
Software Engineering
Geographic Information System

Strategic Management
IT Project Management
IT Service Management
Supply Chain Management
Systems Modeling and Simulation
Technology Adoption
Technology and Knowledge Management
Technology Innovation
Technology in Media
Data mining
Information Retrieval
Information Security
Web Technology and Internet Commerce
IT Project Management
Enterprise Resource Planning
Artificial Intelligent


Organizing Team

Penasehat / Steering comitee

  1. Prof. Zainal A.Hasibuan, Ir., MLS, Ph.D (Ketua Aptikom Indonesia)
  2. Dr. Ir. Richardus Eko Indrajit, M.Sc., M.B.A. (Perbanas Institute)
  3. Dr. Achmad Beni Mutiara (Universitas Guna Darma)
  4. Ir. Kridanto Surendro M.Sc.,Ph.D (ITB)
  5. Reza Firsandaya Malik, S.T., M.T., Ph.D (Universitas Sriwijaya)


  1. Dr. Eng. Ayu Purwarianti, ST.,MT (ITB)
  2. Dr. Achmad Nizar Hidayanto, S.Kom., M.Kom (UI)
  3. Dr. Ermatita, M.Kom ( Universitas Sriwijaya )
  4. Deris Stiawan, M.T., Ph.D (Universitas Sriwijaya)
  5. Dr. Nidjo Sandjojo, M.Sc (UPN Veteran Jakarta)
  6. Vini Indriasari, ST, M.Sc, Ph.D (UPN Veteran Jakarta)
  7. Dr.Didit Widiyanto, S.Kom, M.Si. (UPN Veteran Jakarta)
  1. Pengarah Umum
  • Prof. Dr. Ir. Eddy Sumarno Siradj, M.Sc.

Pengarah Pelaksanaan

  1. Prof. Moelyadi, ME
  2. Dr. Erna Hernawati, SE, CA
  3. Dr. Halim Mahmud, M.Sc

Penanggungjawab Umum

  • Dr. Ermatita, M.Kom

Penanggungjawab Proceding

  • Kraugusteeliana, M.Kom, MM

Penanggungjawab Anggaran dan Administrasi

  • Dra.Yulnelly, M.Si

Penanggungjawab Acara dan Publikasi

  • Rudhy Ho Purabaya,SE, MMSI


  • Dr. Titin Pramiyati, S.Kom,MSi


  • Anita Muliawati,S.Kom,M.TI


  • Mijo, A.Md

Seksi Acara, Humas dan Publikasi

Koordinator: Erly Krisnanik,S.Kom, MM

Proceding, Publikasi & Aplikasi:

  1. Mayanda Mega Santoni, M.Kom
  2. Noor Falih,S.Kom,MT
  3. Andika Octa, MMSI
  4. Artambo Pangaribuan, BSc
  5. I Wayan Widi P, S.Kom, MTI
  6. Ika Nurlaeli,S.Kom,M.Sc

Acara dan Dokumentasi:

  1. Helena Nurramdhani I, SP.d, M.Kom
  2. Ruth W. Bunga,S.Kom,MMSI
  3. Bambang Tri Wahyono
  4. Gilang R, S.Kom

Seksi Administrasi , Kesekretariatan dan Perlengkapan :

Koordinator : Aida Mahmi,SE, MM

Seksi Administrasi

  1. Sarika,M.Kom
  2. Suryadi, A.Md
  3. Abdul Rahman

Seksi Konsumsi

  1. Triswari
  2. Sri Minarsih
  3. Intan Inayati

Seksi Perlengkapan

  1. Sugiyanto
  2. Ayi Maulana
  3. Sunarno

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.